
Legendary (Talent) Breakdown (new!)
Graph breaking down performance of champion legendaries (talents)
Map Distribution (new!)
Graph showing distribution of maps
Matches Per Minute (new!)
Graph showing how many matches per minute go on in different regions throughout the day
In-Game Ranked Tiers vs TBM Ratings (new!)
What in-game tiers are related to what TBM ratings
In-Game Ranked Tiers Distribution (new!)
Graph showing the distribution of in-game ranked tiers
Individual Champion Performance
This collection of charts shows how individual champions perform each patch
Role Splits
How many of each role does your team need?
Champion Winrate by Map
How do different champions fare on each map?
Champion Rating Overview
Skill ratings by champion
Champion Effective Winrate by Skill
How good is each champion, accounting for player skill?
Role Composition
Which compositions beat other compositions?